Your credit score can have a major impact on your mortgage, auto loans, and credit card rates. What you probably don't know is that it can also have a major impact on your auto insurance rates. The following explains how credit scores have become a useful tool in helping auto insurance providers assess risk and set insurance rates accordingly.
How Auto Insurers Assess Risk
There's plenty for a typical auto insurance provider to look at when it comes to determining a new or existing customer's likelihood of filing a claim.
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How To Stay Within Your Budget When Shopping For Auto Insurance
If you need to look for a new car insurance, but you are worried about spending more than you can afford, you will want to check out the following pieces of advice. This way, you can still get quality coverage without having to break the bank.
Skip The Towing And Rental Coverage
It might not seem like a lot of money, but every bit of money adds up when you are trying to stay within a budgeted amount.
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3 Types Of Business Insurance Small Businesses Should Consider
Owning a small business can involve a lot of hard work and attention to detail. While getting a small business up and running, producing a superior product or service usually takes precedence. However, there are plenty of other details that must also be considered. Business insurance is one of those details. This type of insurance will help ensure that a small business is able to stay up and running or that it can recover from different types of challenges that may occur.
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Mistakes To Avoid When Filing A Property Insurance Claim
Property damage and loss, whether from theft, accident, or other outside influences, is the reason why many people carry insurance. This is why it can be frustrating to have your claim overturned or not paid in full. You can help avoid this issue by making sure that you don't make any of the following mistakes.
#1: Skipping the police report
In cases of vandalism or theft, the first bit of paperwork you need to fill out is a police report.
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